Friday, July 10, 2015

BBA First Semester English Notes

English – BBA (PU) Question Paper 2014 | First SEM

English LiteraturePokhara University (PU) | Old is Gold
Programme: BBA

Course: English | Level: Bachelor

Year: 2014 | Full Marks: 100 | Pass Marks: 45 | Time: 3 Hrs
Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as practicable. The Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
1. ‘Marriage is Private Affair‘ revolves around the conflict between Nnaemeka and his father. [15]
a) Describe this conflict
b) Explain the reason for this conflict
c) Is this conflict ever resolved?
d) Relate a similar conflict from your own life-with a friend, child or parent. Model your account after that of Achebe’s.
Apply the four levels of interacting with texts to ‘
If Not Higher’ by I.L. Peretz [15]
2. Do you advocate for team playing or centralized governance in workplaces? Which approach is beneficial in term of prevailing corporate culture in Nepal? Adequately support your claim.
You have been assigned to conduct a feasibility study for recommending an ideal site for a newly proposed branch of a commercial bank. Make a list of criteria you would advise and explain why each criterion is important in your views.
3. Answer any five of the following: [5 X 10]
a. Summarize the story ‘The Library Card’ by Richard Wright in a paragraph.
b. Compare any two competing products / Services and establish which one is worth of buying in terms of certain features.
c. What new technology have you been using in your private or professional life? How does it help in increasing your efficiency?
d. What are the advantages of using audio visual media like television in teaching learning activities?
e. Why are the Yanomamo males called the most savage among existing human race?
f. Give an account of the company where you work and its products or services.
4. Give brief and pertinent answer to any five of the following: [2 X 5 = 10]
a) How does speaker become nostalgic in the poem ‘Piano’?
b) Write a conversation between A and B for the given situation:
A can’t operate an office gadget, therefore shares the problem with B.
B offers help instructing how to use the gadget.
c) Think of a job you would like to do in future. Mention some skills, qualification and qualities needed for such job.
d) Talk about your schedule for this week.
e) What is the main idea of the story ‘A Fight between a Lion and a Crocodile’?
f) ‘A parrot called a bird, a twice born child…’Explain.
5. Complete this email using the past simple form of the verbs in brackets: [4]
Hi! Timo
I’m back from the trip. It was great. We _______ (fly) with United Airlines in Business Class. Julio ________ (meet) us at the airport when we arrived. We ____________ (spend) two weeks visiting customers which was very interesting. Then we ______________ (have) a short holiday and _____________ (do) some sightseeing. We _________ (not see) Heike unfortunately – we ___________ (leave) before she _________ (come) back from her holiday. Anyway can you tell me what happened in the company in the last three weeks?
6. Rewrite the sentences correcting the mistakes. [4]
a. Jet is often more cheap than British Airways.
b. Vodafone offers a good service that my phone provider.
c. Our office is in a more expensive location like our competitor’s.
d. Spanish is easier to learn as Japanese.
7. Complete the following information card with needed information: [2]
a. I’m from ____________________
b. I’m _________________________
c. I’m a / an ___________________
d. My company is _______________

Piano - Four Levels | Adventures in English
D.H. Lawrence
“Piano” is a beautiful poem composed by D.H. Lawrence, an English poet. In this poem, the poet shows the importance of bygone days. The poet is listening to the beautiful music of piano and melodious song performed by a young woman in the dusk. She is probably his beloved. The poet is enjoying the song and music very much being spellbound. She is also trying to her best to woo the poet. But at the same time the poet remembers his childhood days. When he was small child, his mother played the piano every Sunday evening. When she played the piano, hymns started in the cozy parlor. The poet sat on the holy lap of his mother. His manhood is east and the beautiful song and music of his beloved became a great disturbing noise for the poet. He sinks in the floods of remembrance and he weeps like a child. 


In this poem the poet describes that on the evening poet heard a strange women’s voice who was singing a melodious song. By hearing that women’s song the poet stops for a while and starts thinking about his past. In his past when he was child, his mother also used to sing melodious hymns songs by playing a piano. At that time, poet used to go under the piano and touch his mother toes and feet and after seeing her son (poet) mother used to give him a smile. By seeing smile poet used to be very happy and entertained fully. Although poet didn’t understand the meaning of song, he used to be fully entertained by his mother’s song and her smiles. But poet cannot live by remembering his childhood stage and the mother. Suddenly, he thinks that it is useless for women to continue any further because he couldn’t live in his memory forever. He has to come back from his deep thinking because he has to face his real life at present. He has so many duties and responsibilities to fulfill. He realized the fact that he was no more children and childhood is only the memorable phase of life and bursts into tears and weeps like a child. 

The poem ‘PIANO’ tells us that childhood is the one of the most memorable phase of life. Some moments of our childhood becomes so memorable and important like in the poem when he (poet) heard a strange women singing a song recalls his past days. He entertains himself and gets refreshed recalling his past childhood memories. By this means of poem, the poet may be trying to tell us that the music has the potentiality to entertain the people of all ages. It can make us fell relief. Likewise this poem tells us that mothers are so great because the give us lots of love and care and make our life beautiful. Even if they are not with us, the time we spent with our mother is so special and memorable which can make us happy for a while in life. 

Critical thinking:
The poem is nostalgic .It is very interesting and beautidful poem.Although I agree with the moral of this poem that music has potentiality to entertain the people of all ages, I found some parts of the poem really unconvincing and questionable.

  • Do all people get fully entertained by the music as poet in the poem does? 
  • Do all people have happy childhood that they want to recall? 
  • Does any responsible person want to go back in the childhood memory of past that he passed without responsibility? 
  • Isn’t it somewhat shameful for one grown up person to weep like a small child recalling his past? 
  • Doesn’t he get affected when a beautiful beloved is wooing? 
  • Does he really weep like a child? 
Before reading this poem, I don’t used to give much more importance to music. But after reading this poem, I came to know that music can make us feel relief and can spellbound people of any age.The melody of the song and music touch every human being and it makes them emotional and sentimental. This poem took me back to my childhood. When I was a small child, my mother also played the flute and my grandmother chanted hymns. They carried me on their laps turn by turn lovingly. Now, they are no more in this world. Today also I hear the music of flute. I go back to my childhood and tears come out from my eyes and I became very sad. We can be physically and mentally refreshed by enjoying music. Moreover, we can entertain ourselves even for a while by remembering our joyous childhood in this busy life.

These experts have been taken from the MAHABHARAT. One of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India. Recounting events that allegedly took place some 2.800 years ago. The writing of this epic took place centuries later, possibly spanning from the vedic period (about 2500 years ago) to the early Gupta period (about 1700 years ago) According to the Hindu tradition, the author is YAKSHA.
While Hunting for deer in forest, the five Pandava brothers grow thirsty. Exhausted Yudhisthira, the eldest sends one brother to search for water. When this brother fails to return, Yudhisthira sends his other brother one at a time , but the too fail to return. Then Ydhisthira goes to search for his brother He finds a beautiful pool but alas, hear it he finds his four brothers prostarate on the ground either dead or unconscious. Unknown to Yudhisthara, they have all ignored a Yaksha’s admonition not to drink water before answering his question. Despite his overwhelming thirst, Yudhisrthira obeys the Yaksha. Moreover, he correctly answers the Yaksha’s philosophical queries. Pleased with Yudhisthira wisdom, the Yaksha agree to revive one of the brother, leaving Yudhisthira bases his choice entirely on moral considerations, not on his own selfish need and predilections. The Yaksha reveals himself as a Yama (The god of justice and righteousness) , tells Yudhistra how pleased he is with his uprights, restores to him for bother promises him protection from future hardships, and gives him some useful advice on where to go next.
  Once Pandava brothers were wandering in a forest to hunt a deer, but the deer in their sight disappeared abruptly. In the meantime, they grew thirsty and couldn't move ahead. Yudhisthira, the eldest brother, sent one of his brothers Nakula in search of water. But he didn't come back for a long time. So, he sent all his brothers one after the other gradually but none of them returned with any information of source of water nearby. Therefore, ultimately, Yudhisthira himself set out to fetch water and his brothers. After a short walk, he noticed a beautiful pool on the bank of which were lying all his brothers either unconscious or dead. Though he was in extreme distress and sorrow due to this event, he bent to drink water from the pool since his thirst overpowered his grief. But an unknown voice warned him not to drink water before answering his questions. So, Yudhisthira tactfully answered all the questions asked by the voice i.e. Yama, the God of Justice and Death, whereas his brother had disobeyed him and as such were prostrate on the ground. His philosophical answers pleased the God and he became ready to revive one of his brothers. Yudhisthira utilizing his wisdom abandoned his selfishness and selected, on moral grounds, his step-brother for revival. As a result, the god appeared in front Yudhisthira, highly appreciated him for his patience, righteousness and wisdom and restored all his brothers to life.


The story may be trying to tell us something about the importance of patience, obedience to gods, wisdom and right conduit. Without these characteristics, the PANDAVA brothers would have been lost. The Philosophical portion of course of great interest, with reflections on such concepts as desire and courage.

Critical Thinking: 

For the critical thinker, this story is a variable good mine. Here are a few examples of what skeptics might say about this charming tale. Are there gods out there. If so, what is the evidence for their existence? Can we truly say that patience and right conduct are rewarded on this earth?


This story brought for me many associations. It led me for instance , to ask again, which view is right the one which extols desire, or the one which holds it to be the source of much sufferings and evil?


As I read this story, it reminded me of one incident that had once taken place in my village. When I was in my village, a hut caught fire. Many people gathered there and they heard a small baby crying inside the burning hut. But nobody was ready to help him. Ultimately, I ventured lo gel in lo the hut and saved the fife of the baby. This story has encouraged and inspired me to get involved in selfless service.

The Brave Little Parrot

Four Levels of Interactions – Flax-Golden 


Literal Comprehension: Once Buddha was born as a little parrot. In the forest where various animals and birds lived. While all the creatures were spending happy life, a storm and lightening turned the forest into fire. Helpless animals and birds were trapped in the fire. It was terrible picture where birds and animals were crying for help.Seeing that situation the little parrot started to put out the fire by dipping into river and spreading the drops of water into the fire. Though it got burnt all parts of his body the parrot still continued doing the work. Seeing such foolishness of parrot Gods in heaven laughed. But one of the Gods became ready to help him by changing himself into a golden eagle. The parrot didn’t like eagle’s advice rather help when the eagle told the parrot to stop doing that work. So,the eagle began to weep weave upon weave until the fire was put out completely. By the mercy of God all the animals and plants were saved in that forest and there was greenery everywhere. All the animals expressed their gratitude to brave little parrot that saved them.

Interpretation: Since the story is based on Buddhist Legend it tells much about human kindness,love and help. It tells us we should love and help as far as we car selflessly. It we do selfless help, God loves us. Again, another meaning can be that we should always struggle a lot whether it is fruitful or not. Keep on doing struggle but don’t expect the fruit is its lesson. The good deeds of parrot are praiseworthy that are seen by the god as well. Those who have experienced the bitter life or suffering can understand others well. So rich and aristocratic people never understand the actual pain of poor and common people.

Critical thinking: The story teaches us to do selfless service and help to other as moral lesson. Though in philosophy such concept is suitable and impressive but in our practical life such feeling is impossible because people don’t have strong faith on God. Some disagreeing points are:
 (a) Is it possible for a man to be born as a parrot ?
 (b) Do we really believe on the existence of god ? 
(c) Can pouring tear put out forest fire? Besides these some of the confusing points the story has praiseworthy ideas. Teaching human to help others selflessly and be kind and helpful are humane. This aspect of this story is really acceptable and heart touching one.

Assimilation : I got extreme influence after reading this story “The Brave Little Parrot” and knew that we must be like the little parrot. While innocent and poor people are doing honest and dutiful works but so called reach people do everything with selfish motive. Reach are indifferent to the suffering of poor. Still the right conduct of parrot teaches us more to do similar type of behaviours in our life as will. If we help others without selfish nature, there will be someone ready to help us. These concept germinated or came in me after reading these mythological story “The Brave Little Parrot”

Literal Comprehension:
As king, David was in a position to give orders and know that they would be carried out. When David saw Bathsheba, he was attracted to her because "the woman was very beautiful." (2 Samuel 11:2) Bathsheba's husband Uriah was away from home when this happened, fighting with King David's troops against the enemy Ammonites.King David manipulated Uriah's orders, bringing him home from the battle in hopes that he would spend time with Bathsheba so that the pregnancy would appear to be his. When Uriah refused to visit his home while his fighting companions were away from theirs. Finally, King David sent Uriah back to the battle, giving him a letter to be delivered to Joab, the commander. The letter read, "Set Uriah in the forefront of the hardest fighting, and then draw back from him, that he may be struck down, and die." As commander of the troops, Joab should have been the one to decide the placement of troops. King David's specific orders for the placement of one particular fighter ignored Joab's strategic plans, forcing Joab to place Uriah in an unsupportable position to cover the king's indiscretion with Bathsheba. The only reason for the crime against Uriah was King David's need to hide his crime against Uriah's wife, Bathsheba.

This story might be trying to tell us that every one is the victim of passion. The rulers use their special power and enjoy it, but other persons suppress this desire. It may also be interpreted to mean that every is excusable in politics. The king is free to do what ever he likes. But an ordinary citizen is punished if he or she does not helps rulers to satisfy their whims.

Critical Thinking:
When I read this story, I had wrong impression of the Bible. Aren’t their other gods’ characters in the story of Bible?  Does king David stand for a good king? If he is a good king, what are the other ruler’s views? If we read this story as a political story regardless of morality, we can appreciate it. It truly describes human weakness. Even the king is not free from passion.

This story has help me to understand myself better. It also taught me that I should not follow the example of a great person if his action is bad. Absolute power corrupts the leadership of the rulers. If the rulers are corrupt the whole society decay. Now I know why my country has not improved. Immoral and undemocratic politician have used their power for their personal benefits, not for the development of the country. There for the condition of my country becoming worse every day.


Author: I.L Peretz

Literal Comprehension:
Early every Friday morning, at the time of penitential prayer, the Rabbi of Nemirov discappered. He wasn’t found at home too. People thought, he went to the heaven at that time. But a Litvak didn’t believe it. He decided to find the truth. He secretly went to the Rabbi’s room and watched every activity of the Rabbi during the night before fore Friday. In the next morning, the Rabbi left the home as a peasent aut of the city. Litvak secretly follow him. In the forest, he chopech a tree and made a bundle of sticks. He come back to the city with the bundle of sticks and sold it to a sick Jewish woman on credit. He also helped to brun the fire. while burning fire, he recited different portions and penitential prayers. Litvak was impressed by the Rabbi’s action and become his disciple.

This story might be telling us that the heaven is there where one finds pleasure of helping poor, sick and old person. The true spirit of religion is to help others. It isn’t only limited to going to Temples and Churches and worship or pray Gods and Goddesses. One can please God by helping the helpless ones.

Critical Thinking: 
This religious story raises some doubts in my mind. In the story, it is said that a religious leader goes to help a sick and old woman at the time of prayer
  • Is it possible for a mortal to go to heaven when he is alive?
  •  Can we really find such person in this materialistic world?
  • It also talks about the heaven high in the sky. Is there really heaven?
  • Next, It says one can get heavenly pleasure by serving others or by sacrificing one’s pleasures. For other can we really apply it in our lives?
  • Do modern peope believe in existence of god and heaven?
  • How can he follow the Rabbi everywhere without being unnoticed?He even hide under Rabbi's bed whole night?
This story has impressed me a lot and has also taught a good lesson. Before reading this story, I used to think only about the heaven where one can go after his/her death. But now, I know that the heaven is also here in Earth. I have a great desire now to the serve the humanity and reach the heaven like Rabbi.

Author: Plato

Literal Comprehension:
Phaedo is written by Plato. When Socrates was executed, Phaedo was with him. Pahedo describes the details about Socrates death. He says that Socrates was very wise and brave. He perfected to die speaking the truth of live telling a lie. He was accused of misleading the youth and causing them to hold free opinions. So, he was arrested by authority. But he wasn't executed immediately since the sacred mission to Delos hadn't been completed yet. So the execution was delayed until the arrival of the ship of Athens. When the ship came, the day of execution was fixed. One the of execution, many students his friends and relatives came to meet him into prison. That day had also been passed in the usual Philosophical discussion for a long time. After that he went into another room. After taking bath he looked fresh. Then the prison officer came with a bowl of poison and said that Socrates had to drink it. Making the tears in his eyes, he went away. He was offered poison. Even though, he didn't changes his facial expression. Rather he command his student not to lose their hearts. Then he drank it calmly. He walked for some time. His friend started to weep and he scolded them. Finally he by down. At the end, he wished that a cock should be offered to healing god, Aselepius. In this way the bravest wisest and most upright man died.

The story is trying to say us about the importance of life and death. In our death is inevitable. Everyone should die sooner or later. So, we should accept death for the sake of truth, justice and prosperity. Death for righteousness never becomes worthless. As in the story Socrates accepts the death calmly for the sake of righteousness. He thinks that dying bravely is more satisfactory than living cowardly. So, he accepts death for the sake of truth and humanity.

Critical Thinking :
Though the story talks about death for the truth and humanity but there are many ideas which are unacceptable. In this modern age, do we believe in existence of soul and life after death? Do the modern people follow such principles of Socrates? Was Athenian government to cruel that man couldn't have the right to express the thoughts? 

After reading this lesson I learnt a great moral lesson about the truth and justice. I must be bold to speak the truth. If anything is wrong. Moreover, I was coward and afraid of death. But after reading this story, I have decided to die bravely for the sake of humanity. So, I will always hold truth, Justice and righteousness.

Astyages, the king of medes saw in his dream  that his daughter's urine flooded the whole Asia. Then she was married to a Persian. Again the king in his dream saw that out of his daughter's private part, t grew a vine covering all Asia. After consulting the dream interpreter, he called back his daughter from Persia. She was imprisoned because the majai had told the king that his grandchild would become a king in his palace. When she gave birth to a son, the king called his most faithful officer, Harpagus, and asked his to expose the child. He also warned him not to give this task to anyone. But Harpagus did not like to kill the royal child. He sent for the king's shaphard mitradutes and instructed him this task. Mitradutes expose his own dead child as a royal child. And he brought up the royal child as his own. Once in a play in their village this child was made king and he punished the boy of Astyger's officer. Then this child and the sharphert were taken to the court. The king came to know that it was his own grandchild, and Harpagus was asked to send his son to the palace. In first the king gave harguse his son's place to eat. And thus the king took revenge on Harpagus for disobeying the royal order, later the king sent his grandson, Syrus to his parent's house in Persia because the Majai had told him that the would no longer became the king in his place

This story might be tying to tell us that the rulers do anything to sustain their power and that politics regards neither blood nor relation. This story tell us that that suffering of the people where there is no freedom. This story may also be interpreted to mean that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The modern readers discharge with many things in this story.
  •  Is the king so merciless to expose his own child?
  • He could have imprisoned the child?
  •  Is a man so coward as Harpagus, who accept the anything the king does? If we think that this story gives a real picture of a past life, we may find if acceptable.

By reading this story I came to know that man is basically a savage. He is so selfish that he does anything for his advantages. I also understood that politics is a dirty game. In politics anything the powerful person does is excusable the politician does not hesitate to use unfair means.


Literal Comprehension:
"The Library Card" is written by Richard Wright, a black writer in America. Once a negro boy was reading a newspaper "The American Mercury" on which he saw a white man called H.L. Mencken being abused by another white man. He got surprised since he used to think that only negros were hated, but not white man. The article was furious denunciation in which Mencken was called a fool. Therefore , he became curious to know more about Mencken and was highly inspired to read his books. However, the blacks are not allowed to go to library. They were deprived of the library cards. Fortunately, he was able to use the library cards of a white man in his office and read two books by H.K. Mencken. As a result, he found himself in a different world. He understand the reason why Mencken was hated by his own people. He had talked about the equality between whites and blacks. The man he reads the more he understand the reality. In this way the boy always went to the library and read the book more critically. After reading many books, he understood his boss and he realized that he had been missing a very important thing in life. Upto that time. Reading became like a drug to him. So, he wanted to became a writer he had to know so many things and people well. That's why, he brought English grammars for learning English, but he found the English better from novels than grammar, after reading many novels realized the suffering of slaves, suppression and violent operation of cruel law by the white against the black. So, he didn't like to live the life of a slave living in the south because of his education. As he was in the minority, he couldn't fight against the white either. In this way, his education mad him different from others blacks. So, he couldn't forget the pathetic situation of black easily. Therefore at the end having felt incompleteness in himself to become a writer, he became very sad. 

The writer may be trying to tell us that education is supremely important ornament of life. The more ones reads the more knowledge one perceives about the vastness and mystery of the world. In this story a negro boy becomes curious to read more and more after reading a newspaper editorial in which Mencken is severely criticized. His thirst of learning increase. As a result, he starts reading a lot. Reading makes him conscious about the painful condition and suffering of the blacks and changes his attitude towards life and the world. In this way, his education makes him different from others. Consequently, he understand the discrimination, injustice and inequalities between the whites and blacks. 

Critical Thinking:
After reading this story we learnt that the white people behave Negro quite savagely. But we know that the USA is a highly democratic nation. In such nation, how can we believe that blacks are treated so savagely? Isn't there compulsory education for all? How can a boy forge the letter if he is uneducated and if he is discriminated? Was the black's freedom realty seized? So, we aren't totally convinced with the ideas of the story.

Before reading this story I used to think that English could be learnt by means of English grammars. But after reading it, I know that we can guess the meaning of a new word according to the context rather than using the dictionary frequently moreover, I understand that education is supremely valuable. So, I have determines to continue my education to her higher degree for making my life meaningful.

Why Go To University - Four Levels | Adventures In English
Literal Comprehension:
“Why Go to University” is an essay by Moti Nissani. This essay gives emphasis on the importance of higher education. Education is the third eye of human being. An uneducated person can see water in the river but an educated person can see the electricity on it. Education is the light of life. It removes darkness from mind and fills knowledge. In this essay, Nissani talks about the importance of university education.

A better educated people can get better job more easily than less educated person. He can earn more income and maintain good living standard. He can live happy and comfortable life. Not only that educated people are the manpower of the nation and they can make country also rich by utilizing the natural resources.

Education provides us knowledge and knowledge is power. An educated person is likely to resolve the difficulties and conflicts in a rational manner. Educated people are wise, tolerant, and they also realize their mistakes. Educated people take better care of their health. They are more likely to enjoy better health than tycoons. They know the disadvantages of smoking, fatness, tension, lack of exercise, imbalanced food, unhygienic atmosphere, over eating, stale food and air etc. they try to stay far from these health problems.

Educated people are also aware of the benefit of physical exercise. They well know the proverb’ sound mind in a sound body’. So they do regular exercise and try to keep them always feet and strong. One survey shows that educated men and women are valued and respected in the society. A man might be handsome, kind, strong, brave, hero etc. he would still be considered in some ways deficient. The lack of education damages his life. But the better educated person is the better he feels about himself.

Educated people are curious about new thing and new places. They are lover of knowledge and civilized and well cultured. They take knowledge; reward and they feel comfortable from their living. Going to University expands our social horizons. We meet new people, make new friends and share new experiences. Education also helps for friendship and personal growth. Education increases our personal freedom. Educated people are less dogmatic. They don’t hesitate to fight and die if anyone tries to grab their rights and freedom.

Educated people have also knowledge of the universe. Today modern people believe that the earth moves and the sun is still. Education and democracy are closely related. Democracy flourishes only in the educated society. It doesn’t exist if people are ignorant and selfish. So education is supremely Important and valuable.

This essay may be trying to show the value of education. It shows that education is very important. The writer also says that University education is very necessary to live happy, comfortable and meaningful; life. It fulfills our desire for learning and quenches the thirst of knowledge. It also helps for career development and also for the development of citizens, society and country.

Critical thinking:
This essay is very much impressive because education is considered supremely valuable. However I am not agree with few ideas of the writer. Is only formal education important? Can’t we become educated through informal education? Do all the educated people respected as much as rich businessman and powerful politicians? So I don’t agree with the writer.

This essay impressed me very much. Before reading this story, I don’t know the value of formal education and University degree. But this essay inspired me to study well to take university degree. Now, I have decided to become a scholar to have comfortable through learning.

A Fight Between a Lion and a Crocodile

Lion and Crocodile
Author-H.Rider Haggard
Literal Comprehension:
It was late evening. The narrator and his friend being to sleep drowsily on the bank of the river. They could hear different kind of roaring sound. Job told them to look to the water toward them. They sow the lion’s signing eyes as one of was 15 feet away. Leo fired at the lions and see died. A fully grown male was to step behind her. Suddenly there was a rush and disturbance of the water. The lion uttered a roar. A crocodile had cut him by the leg. The lion pull the crocodile on to the bank and clawed its head, and one of its eyes was turn. Both of them were struggle fiercely. The lion’s body up to the hive was in the crocodile’s jaws. The lion clawed the crocodile’s throat a part. The lion felt on the crocodile’s back and died . After a while the crocodile also died.

This story might be trying to tell us that there are many more wonderful things in the world of nature. All living things are closely related to their environment, and are equally important in their own place. The lion is the king of the jungle, but the crocodile can defeat him in the water, which is not the kingdom of the lion.

Critical Thinking:
There are many things in the story, which seem unbelievable.
  •  How can people try to fall as sleep when they hear the rearing sound?
  •  How can people feel safe in such a place?
  •  Can a crocodile is strong enough to grip a lion? 
Since this story seems to be realistic, we have to accept many things without questions.

After reading this story I am fully convince that all animals are equally important in the eco –system. Every animals has its importance in its own place. But if it goes to the place to other animals, it will be defeated. There for every living things identifies its habit act and lives accordingly.

SHEP'S  HOBBY                      
Author:James Heriot

The narrator in the story used to visit Mr. Baile’s house as a veterinary doctor for the treatment of Mr. Baile’s cow.Mr. Bailes had a large dog ‘Shep’. It was always kept by the gate of his house. Shep had a strange habit of frightening the people whoever came to his house. He suddenly used to bark in a frightening tone whenever they would be close to him. The narrator in the story too had been terrified by the dog for so many times. Once the narrator enraged with the dog pulled it by its chain and threatened it. Since then, the dog never barked at the narrator. The narrator seeing the changed habit of the dog was pleased with the thought that the dog might have changed his habit out of his threat. Later, once the narrator was passing by the house of Mr. Bailes, a tinker was before him by the wall behind which Shep had hidden himself. All of a sudden, the dog barked terribly at the tinker and so he ran away throwing his pans and pots. The narrator seeing the dog frightening the tinker was quite happy. He was confirmed that the dog had not lost its natural habit.

This story might be trying to tell us that any animal has the right to make fun and that there is not much different between dogs and men so far as recreation is concerned. The story teaches some important facts about the behavior of animals. It presents the certain moral aspects as we find in other stories. It is impressive so far it talks about the natural quality and the character of the animals. It strongly speaks on the continuation of natural character of the animals and states that they should be allowed to enjoy it, lest their life and existence won’t be happy. It supports the right of animals and advocates that people be sympathetic and kind to them.

As we go through the story, we find it quite impressive and appreciative so far it imparts the facts about animals. But still the story seems to be misleading and unconvincing in some points.  This lovely animal story has some points which might be unacceptable.
  1. How could a postman cure the cow which a vet could not?
  2.  Has a dog's sense of timing so perfect as to frighten the people?
  3.  Is the story convincing enough? Perhaps we have raised such questions because we have not absence dogs as closely as a vet.
This story has changed by attitudes to animals completely. Before I read this story, I would run away if a dog comes close to me. I would think that it had come to bite me. But now I think that it has come to play with me. Now I love a dog and want to make friend with it.

                                                         Author: John Muir   
Literal Comprehension:
In the summer of 1880 the narrator John Muir was exploring alska region with his friend Mr.Young.Mr. Young brought a dog with him named Stickeen which was given by some Iris people to Mr.Young's wife.The dog was so small like a little baby.The narrator didn't like the idea of taking the dog with them as it was very small but after the huge request of his friend he takes the dog Stickeen to  icy cold region of Alaska. The creature proves to be a interesting company in the journey. It always followed the narrator even leaving its own master. It never complains. It did not love anyone and did not allow anyone to do so. It did not leave the narrator when he was making the most measurable journey in his life. That day he left the comp early in the raring morning with breakfast in his pocket. The dog some how follow him. They were walking in the snow. There were many crevasses on the way. The narrator crossed them carefully but the dog was moving like the flying cloud. It did not notice any danger. After reaching the end, they were returning to the camp. On the way they were trapped on the island surrounded by crevasses (holes). The only way to cross it was Sliver Bridge. The narrator cut notches (V shape holes) on the bridge. After he crossed the bridge, he again had to cut the holes at the other end to climb up. After he reached the other side he called the dog. But it did not come because it had wisely sensed the danger. When the writer repeatedly threatened to leave it there, it very carefully crossed the bridge. And afterwards it was so happy that it cried and danced and dashed. From that day on, it likes to be a close to the narrator. It might have thought that the narrator was its god


This story might be trying to tell us about the human and animals relationship.It also tells that experience teaches us more than any thing else. The dog Stickeen changed completely after it successfully cross the silver bridge and save its life. It may also be interpreted to mean that there are many things which we find in animals and human beings equally. Friendship and gratitude are equally found in animals.

Critical Thinking:

This beautiful story has many points which are normally unacceptable to us. 
  • Why do people explore such remote place by putting their lives in danger? 
  • Why the Stickeen followed the narrator instead of his master?
  • Don’t they die of cold when they are wet in the icy cold region? Otherwise this story is really impressive. It makes us feel as if we are with the writer making the journey.


After reading this story I came to know so many things about Alaska. I also learned that beauty in nature and danger are interwoven that experience makes one perfects is true even in the case of animals.

THE PARROT IN A CAGE                  
Literal Comprehension:
 The poem “The Parrot in the Cage”was composed by Lekhanath Paudyal. The theme of the poem is about freedom, justice, happiness and serenity. The poem is a bitter satire on the then Rana regime that deprived Nepalese people freedom. The speaker has carefully painted the conditions that surround the parrot’s life. The speaker is disappointed by the harsh reality of man’s life. Away from its family, home, kin, friends, and the natural freedom man has forced the parrot to live a tragic life. Similar is the condition of the human life in Nepal of that period. Being a worshipper of nature, Poudel expresses his deep affinity to the natural world that provides him childhood appetite, which he wants in his later life. Having compelled to live away from his family, home and friends, Poudel pains for it and expresses nostalgia towards it. Finally, through the medium of parrot, voices of political, social, religious, spiritual and habitual life style and situation of human beings are exhumed in the poem. The poem clearly advocates the human instinct to live a free and struggled life away from the crowd.

In this poem “The Parrot in the Cage”, the poet is trying to advocates the freedom of people in the Rana regime. The Nepalese people had been ruled by the Ranas for one hundred and four years. During this period, people were deprived of enjoying all kinds of freedom. The speaker in the poem is disappointed by the harsh reality of man’s life. Besides, man has been found to live away from his family, home, kin, friends, and the spiritual freedom that surround him in the rural life. Thus, man has been forced to live a caged life like the parrot. Man’s indifference to animal’s plight and the mentality of getting entertainment from imprisoning lower animals has been criticized in the poem. Living away from the nature man has invited more tragedy and sorrow in his life.

Critical thinking:
 The speaker has carefully painted the conditions that surround the parrot’s life. Through the plight of the parrot, the speaker compares the sorrowful description of human life, lack of justice and freedom, the aggression and the cruelty prevalent in the society. Being a worshipper of nature, Poudel expresses his deep affinity to the natural world that provides him childhood appetite, which he wants in his later life. Having compelled to live away from his family, home and friends, Poudel pains for it and expresses nostalgia towards it. More than that, Hindu tradition to pray and appeal God at the time of difficulty is spread all over the poem. In the philosophical level, the poem may be faultless, but I have reservation towards the voices of the parrot. In real life, does a parrot speak like human to express his sorrows?

 After reading this poem, I have realized that how cruel the Rana regime was. I always stand for the freedom of the human beings. As Jean jacks Rousseau said, “Man is born free and wants to live free”. Thus, I request all the human beings not to capture any animal as well as not any citizens at the name of ruling system or any pleasure.

The Wretched Stone - Four Levels | Adventures In English
Chris Van Allsburg
After completing all its preparation a big cargo ship Rita Anne started her Voyage with fine environment. Every present crew were enjoying by reading books storytelling, etc. After four weeks they reached to an island which was very strange because there were no fruits in the plants, there was no sign of human life. There was bad smelling air and bitter water falling from fountains. They found a strange stone with shining one side that was giving light from there. They kept the stone in the ship and started their further journey. When crews were free they used to watch it. All sailors forgot their jobs and duties and rarely spoke each other. They always sat in front of the stone. They started to walk like animal, didn’t understand the language spoken by the captain. The captain made a secret plan to throw the stone in to the see. Soon a storm occurred where captain alone was controlling the ship. Other crews were busy in watching TV (Stone). Later the captain change them by playing music, reading books and telling stories. The ones who could read changed faster then who couldn’t later all were rescued by another ship.

This metaphorical story might be telling many things. Here the stone, ape stands for modern non-creative people. According to the writer being crazy to TV. People are careless to their responsibilities and duties. Watching TV is non-productive and uncreative work. There can be other ways to get entertainment like reading, singing story telling etc. We must be dutiful and punctual to get success in our life. Again the story might also try to tell us that we give less focus to our other important works while watching TV. TV itself is the cause of change in our good manners and attitudes. The title “The Wretched Stone” indicates the stone that gives lot of tensions and problems. This means people get more problems than benefits in watching TV. As we are away from the TV, we can be more creative, mannered and real human beings.

Critical Thinking:
After reading this story I became so much disagree with the ideas given as the negative aspects of TV in total. Modern science and technological inventions have made our life facilitated and comfortable. Among them TV is one most useful tool. As it is given in this story TV is the not really so useless. We can know about the world, new inventions, knowledge skills and so much ideas using TV. We can world in front of TV set.
  •  How can any person become ape watching TV? 
  • Can we really become careless and duty-free watching TV?
  •  Can we reject the number of information and knowledge we get from TV? No doubt TV itself is not bad if we use it selectively and appropriately. There are many more advantages along with few disadvantages of using TV.

The story influenced me a lot. When we see the misusages of TV in our daily life, we can see similar situation. School children become crazy to non-creative programs. They should be interested about study. Most of housewives normally watch TV and kill their important time without any creative work. No doubt, if we can’t use TV properly, we can be meaningless and non-creative like the apes. The metaphorical presentation of TV as a stone made me to be careful in watching TV to find whether it has destroyed me or given creativity.

Great Scott! Gadzooks!

Author-Roald Dahl  

Literal Comprehension:
We should not allow our children to go near the Television set. If possible we should not install it at all. In nearly every home child watch TV until their eyes get tired. They sit and watch TV until they are spellbound and absolutely drunk with very bad things. We allow them to watch TV because they will not fight and do naughty things and they allow us to do our work freely. But we have never supposed that TV will kill their senses and imagination, that they do not understand the imaginary world and that they can not think at all. If you take the set away, they will be unhappy at first and then they will start reading good books as children in the past would do.

This poem might be trying to tell us that, the TV set has prevented children from reading books. It may also be interpreted to mean that parents are solely responsible for spoiling their children. they have thought of their convenience alone. They have never studied the bad inflect of TV programs on their children

Critical Thinking:
This poem has beautifully presented the trouble of every parent. It is true that children don’t read any good books a part from their text book. But the poem has ignored the advantage children get by watching TV. When classic was televised they will be interested in watching more such serious. When they don’t get such serials they borrow classics from the library and read them. More over TV helps them to imaging much more clearly. How does it kill their imagination Del.?

This poem has help me to understand why children passed most of their time before their TV set. It hypnotizes them. I also came to know why the younger generation thinks differently. They have taken in so many good as well as bad things from different sources including TV. Modern culture has been changing rapidly because of television.



Curbing The One-Eyed Monster                                                                                     


                                                    Author-Fiona C.Jenkins
Literal Comprehension:

Television stations are owned by very rich people. They do not tell us the truth. Their main purpose is to handover us to advertisers as long as possible. Ordinary people are tired of protesting against them. The easiest way to make our home TV free or to put our TV set on the curb. We may missed very useful programs and become outsiders. But we can use the spare time to do something really valuable. We can live a real life. We can make our self familiar with the highest quality in art, music and literature. But TV present us the lower quality of all these and reality in fragments and thus misguides us. We don’t know what reality is? We do what the advertiser or rich people want us to do. We fill their pockets with our money. So, the effective way to save us is to boycott TV otherwise we will be getting misinformation. We have been compelled to feel that our natural life is worse and therefore we being to live artificially.

This assay tell us that rich people and bigness man have made us puppets. They will use us the way they like. They will use us for their own advantages by misguiding us. They will never give us anything of the best quality. Therefore we have to protect ourselves from their exploitation (misuse).

Critical Thinking:
Although the writer has presented some of the advantage of TV, he has emphasized its bad aspects. He has made us escapists. Instead of fighting against the rich people, he wants us to stop watching TV. If we do so we will missed many good programs. If every one throws their TV sets where shall we go to watch the historical events? Can’t we make a choice and watch only good programs?

This assay has help me to understand many of the things which I did not understand before. Now I have understood how easily people imitate mannerism and why people watch TV. They don’t like to be outsiders. I also know why people use the things advertise on TV. They want to be number one.

Teaching In The Television Culture
Author-Girgus And Tichi

Literal Comprehension:
When English teacher learn that their students were born in the house where the television was always on and when they consider TV at the park, they become worried about their students. They like a anti-TV tale in which the main character Lennie, addicted to TV, later things that TV people are not real. In the beginning of the TV era (age) many critics thought that TV was responsible for lowering the quality of students and people in generation. They supposed that people would be less educated after a decade (10 years time) or so. The critics did not support when TV was used for educational purpose. In reality, today’s students were brought up with TV which plays an important role in their lives. Actually TV does not cause addiction. The viewers are not concentrated in one particular program. There are commercial and TV serials being broadcast alternately. With the remote control, many stations can be viewed alternately. Moreover there is an interaction between the real world and the TV world. A viewer is a traveler, who goes from one world to another. Homework and TV can be handling at the same time.

This assay might be trying to tell us that TV is not as harmful as people in the past considered it to be. It has become a part of modern life. This assay has also presented a new theory of perception (learn, knowledge) which stressed that it is possible to group so many things at the same time from various sources.

Critical Thinking:
This assay has presented the modern situation realistically. It has put forward the idea of past generation, who considered TV harmful and later on it has beautifully presented a new approach of perception. Whenever we learn we can get so many things from different sources. It is possible to write a letter and to watch the news on the TV at the same time.

When I read this assay I understood how some of my friends solve their math’s problem when their radio is on. They can do both things at the same time. Perhaps modern generation is smarter than the earlier generation. They grasp whatever they need from various sources.

Marriage is a Private Affair     

Author: Chinua Achebe

Literal Comprehension:
This suggestive story “Marriage is a Private Affair” is written by famous Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe. In this story, he has described about one marriage relation show marriage as a private affair. The subject matter of this story is love and marriage between Nnaemeka and Nene where Nnaemeka is from Ibo tribe and Nene is from other tribe. He did engagement and started to live with at Lagos city. When they were engaged Nene was asking to send the message about their engagement to his father Okeke but Nnaemeka did not do that because he was familiar with his father’s nature and his culture. According to his culture, the son of Ibo tribe has to marry the girl of their own tribe arranged by father. If the arrangement is done by the father it will be acceptable from all the members of that community. If the arrangement is done by sons themselves with the girl of different tribe, it would make father very angry and creates the tension in family. So, he planned to tell his father when he went home on leave. But he did not tell to Nene that his father had already chosen a girl Ugoye of his own tribe.

Nnaemeka went home on leave and told his father that he could not marry Ugoye because he was engaged to marry with Nene who is a good Christian and teacher in Lagos City whom he loves. After hearing this Okeke became very angry because according him and his rituals Christian woman should not speak/teach. Then Okeke asked her name and when he knew that she was the girl of other tribe but not of Ibo tribe, he became silent which silent was more dangerous than his angry speech. Okeke tried to persuade his son Nnaemeka not to marry with Nene. But when Okeke was sure that his son would not obey him, he did not speak with his son after ordering to go away from home and gave up as a last. When Nnaemeka went to Lagos, the neighbors came to Okeke to give sympathy about his son’s behavior. Different old people and gentlemen encouraged Okeke to go against his behavior and suggested to check his son with witch doctor by saying his mind is not right. But Okeke denied that idea.

After six months Nnaemeka showed his father’s letter to Nene. Nnaemeka had sent their weeding picture to his father. His father had returned to them by damaging the picture of Nene. Nene sobbed when she found her picture damaged. He consoled her by saying that his father is a good natured man and that one day all would be right. Nene and Nnaemeka were living happier and more comfortable life in Lagos. Everybody except Nnaemeka’s father Okeke in Ibo tribe knew about that because Okeke never liked to talk about his son and never let other to talk about his son. With a great effort, he was able to forget his son because almost 8 years went by not having any contact between Okeke and his son Nnaemeka. Nene had given birth to two sons within that time. Nene wrote a serious letter to Okeke telling that his two grandsons were enthusiastic / inspiring to see their grandfather. She had requested him in letter to allow them to see him and also told that she would not come to village where Nnaemeka would come with grandsons. When Okeke read the letter of Nene, the idea of grandson melted him and he soon realized his mistake not giving invite to his son and daughter-in law for eight years in to their home. He regretted for his behavior. The sky was clouded and started to rain. He could not sleep that night. He saw vision that two grandsons were waiting outside in the rain asking to come in. tears came in his eyes. Mentally Okeke wanted to invite Nene’s family. So he had vague fear that he might die before giving them their proper right.


This story “Marriage is a Private Affair” might be trying to tell us that married life becomes happier and joyful if it is done privately and in accordance with personal choice. Along with it, the writer wants to say that if the society is superstitious and narrow minded, it brings us tension and problems. It is not necessary to get married within own culture like Ibo in this story to live happy married life. As Okeke did not accept his son’s private marriage with Nene, he got 8 years tension, misunderstanding, conflicts and sadness which are the result of narrow mindedness and superstitious belief/traditional belief. Here the writer wants to suggest that we should be careful, qualified and independent then personal choice of marriage can be the best example of marriage to live happily.

Critical Thinking:

Thought the writer’s focus is to show private affair of marriage as the best example of marriage to live with joy and happiness, he has not described anything about the arrange marriage which has its own value too. So, some of the points which are described in this story makes me disagree. 
Here the private marriage life of Nene and Nnaemeka is shown as one of the happier and joyful life. Why did Nene write letter to Okeke, father-in-Law, saying that their two sons want to meet him? Can’t we say that they were not happy? Can a private marriage always create happiness? Presently, we can see that private affair of marriage is bringing lots of problem in the world rather than arranged marriage. More events of divorce are occurring in private marriage cases. In such condition, how can we regard private marriage as the best example? When Okeke could not convince his son Nnaemeka not to marry with Nene, he completely rejected his son. How can a father reject a son due to his misunderstanding of marriage?


After reading this story, I came to know that superstitious and back-warded societies are not only in Nepal, these people are everywhere else. This story made me to remember the incident when I wanted to have inter-cast marriage with my present wife. She belongs to Newar family and me from Brahman family. We were in private affair at that time but our both family came to know our relation. As they were superstitious, both families denied our relation saying that we have different culture but we didn’t give up and decided that convincing both family, we would get marry and enjoy the happy life. Finally, we both became independent and decided to get marry which was also accepted by both families. Now, everybody is happy seeing us that we are enjoying our private marriage life.


1.Who in this story sees marriage as a private affair? Who does not? Why?

Ans: The short story ‘Marriage is a Private Affair’ by Chinua Achebe is a tale illustrating two stratas of community life. It seems mainly to be delineated in this instance by age, juxtaposing the senior generation with its strict mores and cultural traditions and a younger generation which doesn’t value these ideas, perceiving them to have less value than their ‘elders and betters’ do. Marriage has changed in many societies across the world, and now, in some cultures, people don’t even bother with an expensive ceremony or registering a paper document. They are content, for cultural, economic or social reasons to commit to a ‘partner’ and need no ‘blessing’ (or interference!) from elders, pastors or peers. Perhaps today’s women are more financially independent and that has a bearing - they like to think they can manage relationships for themselves if they have a ‘modern’ helpful and understanding partner. Consequently, these couples believe their marriage or relationship is ‘a private affair.’

In Chinua Achebe’s story the younger generation is illustrated by as Nnaemeka and the elders by Okeke. Traditional cultural views of marriage are shown as being rigidly restrictive and inflexible and are spotlighted against the foil of the much more valuable freedom of the individual. The antidote to all this conflict, hostility and interference is shown to be love, which is more than a match for dictatorial arbitrary social rules and conventions. The ancient theme of parental choice of partner is suggested, and as in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the painful dilemma of the individual’s choice of partner is contrasted. This theme is introduced in the very first lines of dialogue in the short story where the young bridegroom is dubious about the reception his marriage news will get. It is an interesting story because at other times Achebe has stated his respect for the wisdom of older people and highlighted his obvious respect for them ;

‘When old people speak it is not because of the sweetness of words in our mouths; it is because we see something which you do not see.’

One wonders if today’s elders will watch and wait, but still be there with their wise eyes and good advice when the going gets tough for young couples.

2.Examine the role of family and social pressure in "Marriage is a Private Affair" in contrast to the role it plays in a love marriage.

Ans: In a traditional arranged marriage, one sees the role of family pressure and social expectations. When Nnaemeka dreads speaking to his father about his impending marriage to Nene, it is because he knows the plans his father has made and the pressure that accompanies them. This becomes the case as Okeke speaks to his plans as to whom he wants Nnaemeka to marry, the bride he has chosen, and conveying the role that Okeke wants his son to play. This family pressure is seen in Okeke's response, one that rejects his son's wishes. The stubbornness and defiance that Okeke shows is reflective of an expectation that he believes his son has abdicated. This anger results in sending pictures of the wedding returned, with the bride's head cut out of them. The attitude that Okeke conveys is that family and social pressure, what he would call expectations, must be accepted and be the guiding forces in one's behavior. The anger he feels towards his son is that they were not accepted.

Such demands are not as present in the love marriage that Nene and Nnaemeka share. Their marriage is one in which social pressure is not as evident. The couple live in an urban setting, Lagos, and are able to blend in with others, without the looming social pressure and family expectations present. They live their lives for one another, devoid of the need to adhere to any other expectation. The story shows this as one distinct aspect of a love marriage that is different from a traditionally sanctioned relationship through the adherence to social expectations. The role of family expectations and social pressure in a love marriage is not as dominating as it would be in a traditional marriage.

3.How has living in the city changed Nnaemeka's attitudes towards the old tribal ways?

Ans:It becomes clear that living in the city has helped to change Nnaemeka's attitudes from the tribal ways of his father. He is surrounded by more education in Lagos than in the tribal setting. This has enabled him to embrace a cosmopolitan approach to being in the world. The discrimination and prejudices that Okeke and the triabl ways offers towards someone like Nene have been put aside. Nnaemeka's living in the city has helped to foster this level of change. 

At the same time, it becomes clear that life in Lagos is not as culturally bound by tradition as what Okeke experiences. Life in Lagos is more heterogeneous. The friends that Nene and Nnaemeka have come from varied backgrounds. While they might display initial reticence towards Nene, they are flexible and Achebe makes it a point that she "wins them over." It is for this reason that Nnaemeka does not really "get" his father's objections to Nene. When Nnaemeka argues that he wishes to marry for love, it becomes a statement of what living in the city has brought about in his consciousness. Nnaemeka understands marriage to be for love and this is a modern reflection, something that the environment of the city has helped to bring about within him. It is for this reason that one can see how living in the city has helped to establish a fundamental change within him and that accentuated when he sees his father and hears his objections being offered on such narrow and pedantic grounds.

4.Assess the cultural relavance of "Marriage is a Private Affair." 

Ans:The original question had to be edited. I would suggest that the cultural relevance of Achebe's story lies in how there is a fundamental changing of social perception regarding institutions such as marriage. The fact that Okeke is resistant to change and does whatever he can to ensure that his son and his daughter in law are not happy is almost secondary to how they pursue happiness. Nnaemeka is not elated at how he is disappointing his father. However, "marriage is a private affair" and is something that he pursues any way. The cultural boundaries are changing in how the young do believe in marriage for love and not out of duty or misplaced responsibility. It is in this where there is a definite cultural relevance to the story. Should the older generation wish to remain steadfast in their ways and refuse to adopt the elements of social change, the result will be alienation and isolation. Okeke is hit with immediate grief and regret that he has lost time with his son and grandsons. 

For her part, Nene shows that she is not impacted with Okeke's coarse and cruel rejection. She is steadfast in her own sense of being as a modern woman who wishes to make a life for her family. In her resilience and in Okeke's regret, one sees how the story is culturally relevant for a changing world where young people are able to envision what can and should be as opposed to merely conforming to what is.

5.Identify where there is hope in Nene's letter to Okeke at the end of "Marriage is a Private Affair."

Ans :Nene's emotional frame of reference is complex in her letter to Okeke. There is a sense of sadness to it in that she readily acknowledges that the relationship between she and her father in law will, to a great extent, be ruptured. Yet, I think that Nene's hope at the end of her letter to Okeke is fairly powerful in that it is a desire to seek resolution without sacrifice to her own sense of dignity. The letter speaks to the idea that she is a mother who wishes the best for her children, boys who wish to know their grandfather. She does not let her own sense of dignity and pride impact their own connection. In her statement about how she "will remain in Lagos," there is a sadness, but a sense of the resolute present. She had been shown in the story as one who will not be defined by setback and adversity, but actually rise above it. She also does not show herself to be a woman that wishes to break the bond between her husband and his father. She clearly states that the three of them in terms of the father and the two sons wish to visit Okeke. The hope present is that she will not deny or repudiate this in the same way that Okeke's demeanor has done in terms of his son's and Nene's marriage. It is in this where hope is evident, that moral ascendancy and transcendency is evident in her actions, the actions of a young person. It is in this that we see Okeke's "resolution he had built up over so many years falling in." It is here where there is hope and where there is redemption at the end of her letter.


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BBA II Semester English Notes

CHAPTER TWENTY HOW SANE ARE WE? LITERAL COMPREHENSION The concept of wise and good rulers is merely imaginary. In fact, our colle...